The wastewater network
A functioning water cycle includes not only the drinking water network but also the wastewater network. Just like the gas, electricity and water networks, the wastewater network is also part of the so-called critical infrastructure and is therefore subject to special protection. An intact wastewater network helps to protect the environment from pollution, save energy and ensure responsible use of the scarce resource water. In addition to repairs in the case of serious defects, maintenance work in the form of regular inspections is crucial. Depending on the type, these activities require special measurement technology, for example to guarantee the safety of people from possible hazardous substances. We offer you the right equipment for carrying out clearance measurements before a manhole inspection or for leak tests on wastewater pipes and sewers in accordance with DIN EN 1610.

Leak test according to EN 1610
Installation and testing of wastewater and sewers are regulated by the European standard EN 1610, which also requires a final leak test of newly built or renewed wastewater pipelines. The smart memo guides you through the test in an automated process, displays measurement data and progressions, stores and documents all relevant test data.