Why offer a glossary?
In many texts or product decsriptions we like to work with abbreviations. These are common for our industry and most readers or customer know right away what is meant, because most of us use these in everyday worklife. For our English speaking customers we wanted to offer the opportunity to look up these abbrevations or terms that might not ring a bell right away. We hope this is helpful.
DVGW – Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches
The German Association for the Gas and Water Industry. The DVGW is a recognized standardization body for the gas and water industry, a centre for technical and scientific know-how in the gas and water sectors and an initiator and promoter of research projects and innovations (Source: https://www.dvgw.de/english-pages/, 06.08.2019)
EN 805 – Wasserversorgung
Water supply – Requirements for systems and components outside buildings; German version DIN EN 805:2000
G 469 – Druckprüfverfahren
German Technical Rules for Pressure Testing of Gas Pipes up to 1.6 Mpa
G 495 – Technische Regeln Gasanlagen
German Technical Rules for Gas Plants and Systems – Operation and Maintenance
The abbreviation LEL stands for Lower Explosion Limit and corresponds to the concentration of a substance in the air above which there is a risk of explosion. For us, the LEL of flammable gases such as methane, ethane, propane and butane is relevant.
TRGI – Technische Regeln für Gasinstallationen
German Technical Rules for Gas Installations
TRWV – Technische Regeln Wasserverteilung
German Technical Rules for Water Distribution
W 400
W 400 is a DVGW worksheet dealing with the planning of distribution systems for drinking water supply. The second part of the Worksheet W 400-2 “Construction and testing of water supply systems” states that water pipelines must be subjected to a leak test prior to commissioning. It is intended to check the quality of the entire pipeline construction and to ensure a reliable water supply and high drinking water quality. The current methods for leak testing water pipelines are pressure loss methods: the contraction method, the standard method and the accelerated standard method. W 400 is the German national standard for EN 805 which is also available as firmware. In addition to that we are able to implement individual and international company standards such as requested by companies like Gas Natural (Spain), Eandis (Belgium), EWE (Germany) and Avacon (Germany).
ZVSHK – Zentralverband Sanitär Heizung Klima
The Central Association for Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning is the professional organization, trade association and lobby of the SHK- craftsmanship in Germany.-
EnWG – Energiewirtschaftsgesetz
German Energy Industry Act. The law, which aims to ensure the most secure, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly supply of gas and electricity possible.
European Directives for controlling explosive atmospheres (abbreviation from the French term ATmosphères EXplosives).
EvaNeMel – Evaluierung neuartiger Messmethoden zur Leitungsüberprüfung in Gasnetzen.
The project of the DVGW to evaluate new measurement methods for pipeline inspection in gas networks.
AGFW | Der Energieeffizienzverband für Wärme, Kälte und KWK e. V.
The energy efficiency association for heating, cooling and CHP.
TRAS 120
A set of technical regulations that addresses the safety requirements for biogas plants
DGUV – Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung
German Social Accident Insurance
The DGUV Rules explain the obligations of company management and insured persons to prevent occupational accidents, occupational diseases and work-related health hazards; they also address the organisation of occupational health and safety.
Technical Rules for Water Distribution Systems
BG ETEM – Berufsgenossenschaft Energie Textil Elektro Medienerzeugnisse
German Association for Employers’ Liability Insurance for Association for Energy, Textiles, Electrical and Media Products
The national accreditation organisation of Germany. It carries out accreditations in such areas as testing laboratories, product certification, management certification, personnel certification and so on.
BAM – Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
Scientific and technical Federal institute with responsibility to the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action in Germany.
The trade journal “DVGW energie | wasser-praxis” is the official organ of the DVGW. https://www.dvgw.de/leistungen/publikationen/energie-wasser-praxis
FW 602 – Fernwärme
German regulations for district heating
BG RCI – Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie
German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the raw materials and chemical industry.